Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Breakfast...Dont start your day without it!


What is a day without breakfast?

For me it is pretty miserable because I start the day hungry and by 11:00 I could eat a horse. If I had just stopped for a few minutes and had just a bowl of cereal I would be much better off. On the days I don't eat breakfast I probably gain 5 pounds as I tend to snack on junk the rest of the day.

General Mills teamed up with MyBlogSpark and sent me coupons for FREE, yes I said FREE, General Mills cereal. Now I have no excuse not to eat breakfast and neither do you. I am offering one lucky ready two coupons for FREE General Mills cereal. All you have to do is leave me a comment with your best excuse for not eatting breakfast and you will have a chance to win!

A Big THANK YOU to General Mills and

Contest Rules:

Open to US residence only
Comment by the end of the day Saturday, January 2
The winner will be notified by Monday, January 3


  1. My best excuse? I'm always so busy getting the kids breakfast while I drink coffee...and then I turn around and it's 11 am!

    By the way, thanks so much for stopping by Theta Mom! I look forward to blogging with you.

  2. Breakfast is the best!
    Sorry for the delay in coming to say hello, but I wanted to thank you for swinging by my blog on Monday for my SITS day. Hope you have a very happy new year!


  3. Some days it's hard for me to get breakfast down, but I still manage a protein drink. Otherwise my blood sugar goes haywire!
    Happys SITS Saturday Sharefest!

  4. Hi Jessica!!! I'm your partner for the Valentine's Day Swap at the Domestic Dork. I can't wait to get to know you!! My email address is!
