Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Breakfast...Dont start your day without it!


What is a day without breakfast?

For me it is pretty miserable because I start the day hungry and by 11:00 I could eat a horse. If I had just stopped for a few minutes and had just a bowl of cereal I would be much better off. On the days I don't eat breakfast I probably gain 5 pounds as I tend to snack on junk the rest of the day.

General Mills teamed up with MyBlogSpark and sent me coupons for FREE, yes I said FREE, General Mills cereal. Now I have no excuse not to eat breakfast and neither do you. I am offering one lucky ready two coupons for FREE General Mills cereal. All you have to do is leave me a comment with your best excuse for not eatting breakfast and you will have a chance to win!

A Big THANK YOU to General Mills and

Contest Rules:

Open to US residence only
Comment by the end of the day Saturday, January 2
The winner will be notified by Monday, January 3

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Re-Draw for the Cheerios 100,000 Book Giveaway

The winner of the Cheerios 100,000 Book Giveaway never responded so:

The New Winner is

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Max: 8



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*You have 48hrs to email me with your mailing address*

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Morning Mayhem

My mornings are typically the same day to day.

5:15am: I am awaken by my husbands alarm with blaring rock music.

5:20am: Try to go back to sleep.

5:23am: Jolted awake yet again by my husband sitting in the computer chair directly above our bedroom.

5:24am: Curse the floor plan and go back to sleep.

6:20am: Wake to my husband turning on the shower and slamming the door.

6:22am: Try to fall asleep AGAIN!

6:35am: Wake to the closet light that my husband must use to find his socks and underwear (They have been in the same place for 4 years).

6:40am: Stay awake listening to my 7 month old yell DADADADADADAD over and over again.

6:45am: Tell the husband good morning as he strolls back through the bedroom to brush his teeth.

7:20am: Get out of bed because my 4 year old has decided he needs breakfast and a show on ASAP!!

7:25am: Make 4 year old breakfast and 7 month old a bottle.

7:30am: Head up stairs only to be called back down to turn the TV up!

7:35am: Finally make it up stairs to change 7 month old changed and head back down stairs to give him a bottle.

7:40am: Yell at 4 year old to eat his breakfast for the hundredth time as we have to leave in 30 minutes.

7:42am: Pause the TV so 4 year old will know I'm serious.

7:42am-8:00am: Listen to 4 year old scream because the TV is paused.

8:01am: Tell him to get dressed AGAIN or no privileges (TV, Game, etc) tonight.

8:02am: After finding him with 2 pair of underwear and socks on I decide to dress him myself.

8:06am: Look over to find 7 month old has puked all over his clean cloths, the floor and my favorite blanket!

8:08am: Wipe off what I can and decide it is ok for him to smell like puke for just one day.

8:10am: Tell the 4 year old to get his shoes on.

8:15am: Yell from my bathroom that he better have his shoes on or he's going with out them.

8:17am: Come out to check and he has finally listened.

8:20am: Start the car so the kids aren't frozen in there seats.

8:22am: Let the muddy dog in and curse him for sliding across my clean floor with muddy feet.

8:25am: Start telling anyone who will listen that we should have been gone 10 minutes ago.

8:30am: Finally out the door...Crap I forgot my glasses!

8:31am: Go back in and get my glasses.

8:32am: Back in to the car, finally on our way to daycare when my 4 year old yells "I FORGOT MY BACKPACK"!

8:35am: Drop off 4 year old.

8:38am: Head back to the house and get back pack, so I can drive back to the school and drop it off.

8:45am: Home Sweet Home that is a complete disaster from the typical Morning Mayhem!

Does this sound familiar?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cheerios 100,000 Book Giveaway

The Winner is Melissa B.

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Review of Cheerios 100,000 Book Giveaway

Cheerios through sent me this great great gift pack to spread the word about a great new promotion. Cheerios and First Books joined with Jon Scieszka (author of The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, including many other great stories) to distribute 100,000 new childrens books to the top five states with the most votes. By going to the 100,000 Books Giveaway site you can answer trivia questions to earn votes for the state of your choice. Get to voting at!

I received the above package which included Frosted Cheerios (Yummy!), 5 children's books and a $25 gift card for Barnes and Noble. My son and I have read "What's Under the Bed" and "Junkyard Fort" and we plan to read "Sleepy Head" tonight! Each book is a small paperback great for carrying in your bag for the kids and each page contains the story in english and spanish and some of them have mazes and coloring pages in the back.

One of my wonderful readers will win one of these amazing packets provided by MyBlogSpark and Cheerios! All you have to do is comment and tell me why your state should win the 100,000 Book Giveaway.


  • Comment no later than mid-night Sunday, December 13 and tell me why your state should win the 100,000 book giveaway.
  • I will post the winner Monday morning!
  • Giveaway open only to residents of the continental United States.
A big THANK YOU to Cheerios and MyBlogSpark!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Review of LilyBugs

I have always had a problem with my 7 month old son when it came to holding his bottle and sippy cup, but not anymore! What a new and wonderful product I have found in LilyBugs. Not only did my son love playing with the soft/crackeling ears, but he held his bottle while lounging on the floor by himself. When my 4 year old son Cooper saw it he was mad that he didn't get one.

LilyBugs come in a variety of bugs, animals, flowers and even a monster. We have the MooMooBug (Cow) and every detail is just precious. It is very soft and has ears that have crackle in them for fun. I thought it wasn't going too fit Riley's bottle (First Years Soothie Bottle), but it fit perfectly. This product is great because it fits most sippy cups and bottles, is machine washable and doesn't have any removeable parts.

LilyBugs is a mom made company with a wonderful back story all moms can appreciate ( LilyBugs is working on their brand new website and will be offering Organic LilyBugs and even coordinating blankets. Be sure to check out the website and see how to Beecome a bug yourself!

Thank you to LilyBugs for providing a sample!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Holidays SITSta’s

I hope everyone of you has a wonderful holiday season. This year will be a little different for my family as our finances aren't what they used to be! All of the "Santa" shopping is done and our boys will still get great things, just not half of the toy store. I hope this will put us in a better position for the start of 2010!

From my family to yours... Merry SITSmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Maid

I feel like I am contantly telling the boys in my life "I am NOT your maid". My four year old always shakes his head, but the next day the house looks the same as the day before. I always seem to pick up the messes myself and I need to learn to be patient and make him do it. I guess in theory it would be great if I made him pick up every time he makes a mess and then he would not make the mess anymore.

It's funny to me how he can make the mess and then when asked to pick it up he always seems to need help because the mess is too big for one person. How do you explain to a 4 year old that if it wasn't too big to make it isn't too big to pick up? So, here I am again about to go down stairs and pick up his mess with no consequences! I always have next time (tomorrow) to have him do it all by himself.

How do you have your children help around the house? And where in the world do you get patients?