My mornings are typically the same day to day.
5:15am: I am awaken by my husbands alarm with blaring rock music.
5:20am: Try to go back to sleep.
5:23am: Jolted awake yet again by my husband sitting in the computer chair directly above our bedroom.
5:24am: Curse the floor plan and go back to sleep.
6:20am: Wake to my husband turning on the shower and slamming the door.
6:22am: Try to fall asleep AGAIN!
6:35am: Wake to the closet light that my husband must use to find his socks and underwear (They have been in the same place for 4 years).
6:40am: Stay awake listening to my 7 month old yell DADADADADADAD over and over again.
6:45am: Tell the husband good morning as he strolls back through the bedroom to brush his teeth.
7:20am: Get out of bed because my 4 year old has decided he needs breakfast and a show on ASAP!!
7:25am: Make 4 year old breakfast and 7 month old a bottle.
7:30am: Head up stairs only to be called back down to turn the TV up!
7:35am: Finally make it up stairs to change 7 month old changed and head back down stairs to give him a bottle.
7:40am: Yell at 4 year old to eat his breakfast for the hundredth time as we have to leave in 30 minutes.
7:42am: Pause the TV so 4 year old will know I'm serious.
7:42am-8:00am: Listen to 4 year old scream because the TV is paused.
8:01am: Tell him to get dressed AGAIN or no privileges (TV, Game, etc) tonight.
8:02am: After finding him with 2 pair of underwear and socks on I decide to dress him myself.
8:06am: Look over to find 7 month old has puked all over his clean cloths, the floor and my favorite blanket!
8:08am: Wipe off what I can and decide it is ok for him to smell like puke for just one day.
8:10am: Tell the 4 year old to get his shoes on.
8:15am: Yell from my bathroom that he better have his shoes on or he's going with out them.
8:17am: Come out to check and he has finally listened.
8:20am: Start the car so the kids aren't frozen in there seats.
8:22am: Let the muddy dog in and curse him for sliding across my clean floor with muddy feet.
8:25am: Start telling anyone who will listen that we should have been gone 10 minutes ago.
8:30am: Finally out the door...Crap I forgot my glasses!
8:31am: Go back in and get my glasses.
8:32am: Back in to the car, finally on our way to daycare when my 4 year old yells "I FORGOT MY BACKPACK"!
8:35am: Drop off 4 year old.
8:38am: Head back to the house and get back pack, so I can drive back to the school and drop it off.
8:45am: Home Sweet Home that is a complete disaster from the typical Morning Mayhem!
Does this sound familiar?